Child Custody

Mediation and Arbitration

Texas is a unique state to bring a divorce proceeding in because it allows for so many alternatives to a judge or jury-tried divorce proceeding. Divorce proceedings often get heated when brought before a judge or jury. Settlement through mediation and arbitration allows the parties to come to terms with a divorce agreement together, without the influence of a judge or jury. If you are facing a mediated or arbitrated divorce settlement, contact an experienced family law attorney today who can make sure that you receive everything you want through mediation or arbitration.

What is the Difference Between Mediation and Arbitration?

Mediation and arbitration seem quite similar on paper. They both involve a settlement which is decided on by a neutral party outside the courtroom. During mediation, a neutral party, referred to as the mediator, helps spouses negotiate an agreement. Unlike a judge, the mediator has no power to make any decisions and simply serves more of a listening role to help the two parties come to terms. In arbitration, the arbitrator listens to both sides of the issue and then makes his or her own decision on the settlement without the inclusion of the spouses.

Why Choose Mediation or Arbitration?

In a litigation-trigger happy society, many people often wonder why they would choose mediation or arbitration over a typical court proceeding. Many people often see a court’s decision as gold and want their divorce proceeding to be decided by a judge or jury. However, mediation and arbitration are often much more cost efficient and proceed at a quicker pace than divorce proceedings which are hashed out in court. Mediation is especially useful in divorce proceedings involving children since it forces two spouses to come to terms without a court dictating their agreement. If children are involved in a divorce, the two parties will have to work with each other for years to come, and mediation will be a good trial for the future. If you cannot agree on a simple mediation, it will be difficult to agree on issues that will emerge as your children get older.

Ned Gill III | Houston, Texas Family Law Attorney

If you are facing a divorce proceeding, do not hesitate to contact experienced family law attorney Ned Gill. Ned Gill has years of experience in handling divorces and understands that you want your divorce finalized as quickly and efficiently as possible. Mediation and arbitration are meant to help quicken the divorce process and Ned Gill will work tirelessly to ensure that your case is settled early and does not get sent to court.